Thursday, July 14, 2016

Transformers Titans Return Terri-Bull

Following on from Combiner Wars we have Titans Return, Hasbro's next Transformers toyline to feature a line wide gimmick. Titans Return revolves around Titanmasters (essentially Headmasters) and all the figures in the line have been designed with some level of interactivity with them. Each Titanmaster can become the head of any deluxe-, voyager- or leader-class figure.

Most of the initial waves are made up of updated characters who had originally been Headmasters. The focus of today's review, Terri-Bull, is an new take on the 1988 Headmaster Horri-Bull. While the Titanmasters on the larger figures seem to be considered separate characters to their bodies - Skullsmasher is paired with Grax like his G1 self - the single packed Titanmasters appear to be named for the main figure that inspired them. Hence this is Terri-Bull, who is Horri-Bull not Kreb.

Head mode:

Terri-Bull's head mode is very nice. While mostly cast in blue plastic the face is picked out in tan and the eyes in red. The paint applications are very clean. The sculpting here is nice and very evocative of Horri-Bull's head. Which is, of course, to be expected.

Robot mode:

Transforming to robot mode is as simple as unfolding Terri-Bull's legs to straighten out his body. These guys use the same transformation scheme as the G1 toys that inspired them.

There's very little paint in robot mode. Terri-Bull's face is picked out in yellow and that's it. Some grey plastic helps break things up a little bit. But the figure really relies on the sculpted detailing in this mode. Luckily these are very tidily done and keep this tiny robot visually interesting.

There is some articulation present in this mode. Terri-Bull has a ball jointed neck and limited ball jointed shoulders. The hips and knees are hinged but the legs move together. There's enough here for Terri-Bull to interact with his vehicle or with the play features on the larger figures in the line but nothing else.

Vehicle mode 1:

Terri-Bull's vehicle is a small blue and tan tank. Like Terri-Bull himself it's cleanly painted and nicely sculpted. The two pairs of barrels move up and down independently of each other. Otherwise it's a static piece.

There are two small pegs inside the turret that connect to peg holes on Terri-Bulls feet. He plugs in securely and is able to man the turret on the tank. This is where this figure shines. It's a simple thing, but having this tiny robot able to drive around this equally tiny tank is both adorable and awesome. I can really see the appeal of having these little guys defending the bases the leader-class toys become.

Vehicle mode 2:

Being a Transformer Terri-Bull's accessory also transforms. To do so you flip the tank over, flip out the cockpit from what was the bottom of the tank and fold down the sides of the treads. Into the hollow space insert Terri-Bull with the head mode face down. The tab on the back of his legs will tab into the rear of the vehicle.

Terri-Bull's other vehicle mode is a jet. This mode tries to integrate a Titanmaster into it and does so with only moderate success. I can see what they were going for but I think the tank mode unashamedly having Terri-Bull ride atop it is the better of the two.

That said it's not a bad jet mode. Not by Transformers standards. I've seen far weaker jet modes on figures that only become jets. It's rather chunky, and there's no hiding the turret on the underside, but the painted cockpit does go a long way to making this mode more convincing.

Weapon mode:

This is by far Terri-Bull's weakest mode. Close the plane wings and flip out the 5mm plug and you've apparently got a gun. Which looks like an upside down tank with a plane cockpit stuck on it. Because it is a tank with a plane cockpit stuck on. I'll be ignoring this mode from now on.

Final Thoughts:

I like Terri-Bull. He's a cheap, fun little toy. Even without any larger Titans Return figures to take advantage of his head mode his interactivity with his tank/jet is worth the asking price. I think the value of this figure will increase if you own other toys in the line. And I can certainly see people having a Pokémon-like reaction to these little guys to fully man the bases made from the larger figures in the line.

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