Last summer, I purchased DX9's Carry, their version of Rodimus Prime, and was completely blown away by how awesome their production, design, and overall end result was. Carry had so many points of articulation that I lost count, plus he looked damn nice standing next to his mentor, Optimus Prime. The most important aspect was his beautifully smooth transformation; everything fitted in place, he's not as difficult as he looks, and parts were acceptably tight. When I found out that they were making their version of Galvatron, I was completely psyched and immediately put him on pre-order. I figured if they did such a good job with Carry, I couldn't go wrong with Tyrant (their 3rd party name). So, the day he arrived, I was frothing at the mouth, and after 2 hours of trying to transform him, I was utterly.....
Tyrant's transformation was nowhere near as smooth as Carry. The adjoining parts that snapped together in various parts of the legs were extremely tight, the manipulation of his head, arms, and chest were difficult at best, and more than once I needed a flat-head screw driver to get things to move out of their normal position in accordance with the directions. Probably the most disappointing aspect was his hands and digits, which are just really for show and are not strong or tight enough to hold anything of significance. I was so unhappy with him that I took some pics and then threw him on the Megatron honor shelf.

After a few days, I put my disgust away for a while and tried another go at both transforming him and finding some redeeming quality about him. The transformation was still difficult, but somehow, it went much faster and parts were clicking into place better. Maybe he just needed to be broken in a bit, which I did a few more times. As time went on, I fiddled with him more and more, learning that he has his own "flow" that is not immediately accessible but discoverable upon a few transformations.
The one outlook I maintained from the beginning was how awesome he looked in robot mode, and he truly does look handsome, regal, and powerful. DX9 captured the perfect scowl on his face sculpt. Like Carry, he is extremely articulated, but not to a point where it dilutes the overall aesthetic of the robot. It was this regalia that made me give his transformation a second chance. I could almost hear him ranting at Starscream's ghost; that's how good they captured his essence. And he is now placed in the upper echelon of the Megatron Honor Shelf.
Tyrant comes packed with a bunch of goodies; a nice trading card, a pull-apart version of The Matrix, two arm cannons (a translucent orange version and a light-emitting solid orange plastic version), instructions, and packaging that pays homage to both Galvatron's presence in Transformers: The Movie (1986) as well as his voice actor, Mr. Leonard Nimoy.
I am happy to say I am now obsessed with Tyrant!

"I know you too well, Galvatron..."
God Galvatron.
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